H&S Competent Person Service
The legal requirement to have access to ‘competent advice’ is a clear duty placed on all organisations under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. RA Fire & Safety provides a service to address the need and help you maintain compliance.
The service includes unlimited access via telephone helpline for on-going advice relative to health and safety management.
Queries are normally addressed within 24 hours if they cannot be answered immediately by email or telephone.
The service can include a number of days at the client’s site or work away from site addressing concerns or work the client requires. Typical areas of work are agreed in advance and may inlcude:
Reviewing on-going developments that may have H&S implications
Providing advice and assistance relative to H&S inspection outcomes
Reviewing and updating H&S documentation and assisting with client tender documents
Assisting with or developing risk assessments
Participating in or providing advice relative to consultation issues
Undertaking inspections and/or audits
Addressing any other H&S issue raised by the client and offering a considered opinion based on current guidance and regulatory requirements
The number of days per year can vary with the client size, business sector and current level of H&S management, so please contact us for full details.