Fire and Safety Compliance

RA Fire & Safety aim to give you peace of mind when dealing with your legal obligations. Our qualified and experienced assessors and consultants will ensure you receive comprehensive yet easily understood reports and recommendations.
Our advice is pragmatic and we will not use confusing terms when explaining what you need to do to ensure compliance.
Getting it right
We base our Fire Risk Assessments on the PAS 79 standard – a methodology for assessing Fire Risk developed by the British Standards Institution.
We follow best industry practice when developing client Fire Strategy Documents and undertaking Fire Door Inspections
Our safety services are tailored to client needs and take account of all HSE guidance and legal requirements.
Here to help
We are here to help you achieve and maintain legal compliance.
Whatever your query, please contact us at:
Client sectors
We work across a variety of business and construction sectors as well as with
schools, charities and with landlords and their rented properties.